Buloowa Farm project
This is an agricultural project consisting of banana plantains and coffee trees on a twenty acre piece of property we purchased at the beginning of 2008. We have on this property so far planted an additional 520 banana plantains to the ones we found on this property at the time of purchase. Agriculturalists tell us that given the right spacing 350 banana plantains can be planted on one acre. Given that ratio we still have a lot more banana plantains to plant. We would also want to plant coffee on this piece of property and also other vegetables and fruit all for sale, to help the ministry raise additional funding.
In 2009 we planted two acres of passion fruit and we have built a new chicken barn made of permanent material. We’ve also been able to fence the farm to keep out intruders. We’ve repaired the water tank at the farm with funds provided by the kids at Rincon Valley Christian School.
The challenge here again is the funds required to develop this piece of property into a well organized farm. In spite of the challenges we are most grateful to God and to our partners for these projects that we have begun with. We
believe this is a step in the right direction as this will not only provide the ministry with some additional income that is very much needed, but also we as leaders need to be seen to work in order to be able to urge and teach those we lead on what they can do to fight the giants of poverty that we face here. It surely is still a distant dream but it is at least a beginning point, so please we shall need your prayers , support and partnership.